Greetings from Stirling, Scotland



 Welcome to my Personal website.

As well as an Amateur Radio Operator my other Hobbies include being a UAV Enthusiast & Operator, Aircraft Spotter, ADSB 'Radar', Electronics, IT and Robotics.


My Station

My station these days is Internet Connected DMR using an Inrico T320 linked to a DVSwitch server and the Brandmeister Network

DMR ID: 2349013

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QSO Cards & Logs

I know a lot of Ops say DMR especially WiFI, Cellular or Internet connected doesnt count.

Personally I love logging all my DMR QSO's and marking off on my wall map which countries I've spoken with.

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I am particularly proud to be the owner and operator of MB7ISC & MB7ASC.

An EchoLink & AllStar connected Analogue Simplex Gateway operating from my Home in Stirling.

Part of the FreeSTAR Network

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